Neon Splendor


13 in stock



Neon Splendor (Korth-P., – Korth-L.; 2024)

30”, 6”, E, Dor., 3 branches, 17 buds, Tetraploid, fragrant, rebloom in 2024 but not consistent

Telperion x Tetraploid Rose F. Kennedy

Rich pink with lighter pink band around large green throat

What a joy Neon Splendor is in the early season garden.  When we started in daylilies over 30 years ago, pink daylilies were muddy gray or tan with pink overtones.  Now we enjoy this true neon pink daylily with large size, a lighter pink watermark, and large green throat.  Daylilies have come a long way.

Neon Splendor has long been a favorite here for its bright color.  In 2024, we had a lot of plants lined out in preparation for sales in 2025 and for several weeks in the early season, it was the star of the garden.  Flowers opened well in a variety of weather conditions, held up well in the hot sun, and we had rebloom on some plants.

We started hybridizing with Neon Splendor the last few years and observed some promising seedlings from it this summer.  It is pod and pollen fertile and will produce seedlings in a variety of colors.

Neon Splendor


Seedling 402-1



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