Pinewood Dawn of Creation (Korth-P., – Korth-L.; 2023)
28”, 6.5”, EM, Dor., 6 branches, 28 buds, Tetraploid,
Telperion x Tetraploid Rose F. Kennedy
No Fragrance; rich pink with lighter pink watermark above a large green throat; ruffled gold edge
We have not introduced a pink daylily since 2020 but Pinewood Dawn of Creation is worth waiting for. The plant habit is exceptional with large flowers that open well, dormant and hardy foliage, and wonderful scapes. The flowers are a clear pink accented by the large green throat. The gold ruffled edge is large but with a notch at the petal tip to avoid flower hang-ups. The result is a grand daylily that has been a favorite in the garden.
Pinewood Dawn of Creation is fertile both ways and we are seeing fine seedlings from it. We are pleased to introduce this fine plant which is excellent in the garden and provides unique genetics for hybridizers working for something different.

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