Mount Carmel


3 in stock



Mount Carmel (Korth-P., – Korth-L.; 2021)

26”, 5”, E, Dor., 4 branches, 16 buds, Diploid,

(Emerald Starburst x Kermit’s Scream) x Pinewood Lily Pad


Mount Carmel was the site of the prophet Elijah showdown with the prophets of Baal where Yawheh showed his greatness.  In biblical times, Mount Carmel was a lush green site but was stained red with the blood of the prophets of Baal.  The flower Mount Carmel is mostly green with irregular red streaks on the sepals.

The flowers of Mount Carmel are vivid green.  Similar to pollen parent Pinewood Lily Pad, the sepals are green to yellow nearly devoid of red color.  The exception is the red streaks on the center of the sepals that are common but not consistent.  The petals are red with a dark red band that splits the huge green throat from the red petal tips.  Most days the petals and sepals curve back leaving mostly the green throat and dark red band visible offering a striking contrast in color.

In the garden, Mount Carmel is a consistent early performer with easy opening flowers and a crisp clean look.  We have done some hybridizing with Mount Carmel and it is pod and pollen fertile.


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