Cosmic Bow Tie


3 in stock



Cosmic Bow Tie – 36″, 5.5″, Fragrant, M, Dormant, Diploid, 3 branches, 15 buds

Parentage: (Arno’s Bow Tie x Cosmic Kaleidoscope)

This flower is a unique combination green-throated genetics and patterned genetics.  While Cosmic Kaleidoscope is a weak evergreen here, Cosmic Bow Tie is hard dormant and grows well here.  The patterned throat is consistent with 4 or 5 bands of color in each flower.  A great flower in the garden, Cosmic Bow Tie is fertile both ways and is making great kids with bands, watermarks, and large green throats.


Cosmic Bowtie1          Cosmic Bowtie


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